In diesem Dialog verzweigen Sie in weitere Einstellungen für den Sensor aufgerufen. Beachten Sie auch hier bitte, das je nach verbauten Sensor einigen Schaltflächen nicht vorhanden sein können.



the push button closes the dialog and returns to the precemding dialog window

the push button measuring options opens the dialog window - measuring options-

the push button Service opens the dialog window  Service auf

the push buttonzeropoint opens the dialog window Nullpunkt auf

the push button limit point opens the dialog window limit point auf

the push button << and >> changes between the adjustments of the included sensors if more than one are included.

the push button umpe on switches the measuring gas pump on/off.

the push button Inertgas activ switsches between forming gas and inert gas (only oxygen tace analyser).

the push button receipt on  has influence to the  messages shown at the main display - there exceedances of the limet are shown.

for more than one measuring range you can choose one on the left side , the choosed channal and the name of the measuring gas are shown.


after choosing the measuring range it is necessary to press the button -save- to activate the adjustments.