device name

is tis setting you can change the name of your analyser. This will be not necessary in general.

If using the Wlan-option of the analyser this name is also the name of thefeasable access-point.

If the analyser is integrated into an RS-485 network the analyser name is the name of the displayed RS485 network

device adress

change hereby the adress of an RS485 device if using

device language

in this settings you can change the language of the device- not the language of your windows-program


in this settings you can change the colors of the device

date and time

in this settings you can update the time settings to windows time

time correction

in this settings you can compare the time in level -100 to +100 if build-in clock is not exactly

button noise

in this settings you can change button noise


in this settings a couple of test settings are listed.

LED test

in this settings you can test  the language of the device

Touch calibration

lin this settings you canadjust the touchsctreen

Use a pen without sharp spit for this adjuatment please


creates a  Screensh   ot vom Gerät and saves as  (MGAScreenShots) in folder "own pictures"

Relais 1..3

in this settings you can test a relais if installed