description register
Register 0 read |
Bitset of the unit configuration |
Bit 0 status Relais 1 |
Bit 1 status Relais 2 |
Bit 2 status Relais 3 |
Bit 3 status internal pump |
Bit 4 status for possible build in Argon /forming gas switch |
Bit 5 status recording to SD-Karte |
Bit 6 n.c. |
Bit 7 n.c. |
Bit 8 = 1 unit has Relais 1 |
Bit 9 = 1unit has Relais 2 |
Bit 10 = 1 unit has Relais 3 |
Bit 11 = 1 unit has internal pump |
Bit 12 = 1 unit has swich Argon/ forming gas |
Bit 13 = 1 unit has SD-Karte |
Register 1 write |
Bit 0 = 1 switch Relais 1 |
Bit 1 = 1 switch Relais 2 |
Bit 2 = 1 switch Relais 3 |
Bit 3 = 1 switch Pump |
Bit 4 = 1 switch Argon |
Bit 5 = 1 Start record |
Register 2..5 read |
8 Datablocks a 1 Byte units of measurement and meas.gas name |
xxxxxLLL |
no unit |
xxxxxLLH |
°C |
xxxxxLHL |
ppm |
xxxxxLHH |
Vol% |
xxxxxHLL |
dl/h |
xxxxxHLH |
mV |
xxxxxHHL |
mBar |
xxxxxHHH |
kPa |
LLLLLxxx |
no name |
LLLLHxxx |
O2 |
LLLHLxxx |
H2O |
LLLHHxxx |
N2O |
LLHLLxxx |
CH4 |
LLHLHxxx |
CO2 |
LLHHLxxx |
H2 |
LLHHHxxx |
KR |
LHLLLxxx |
HE |
LHLLHxxx |
CL2 |
LHLHLxxx |
LHLHHxxx |
SO2 |
LHHLLxxx |
H2S |
LHHLHxxx |
NH3 |
LHHHLxxx |
N2 |
LHHHHxxx |
CO |
HLLLLxxx |
TP |
HLLLHxxx |
BE |
HLLHLxxx |
C2H2 |
HLLHHxxx |
C2H4 |
HLHLLxxx |
C3H6 |
HLHLHxxx |
CnHn |
Register 6-7 |
time in DOS-Format |
Register 8 |
flowrate in dl |
Register 9 |
Reserve |
Register 10-11 |
error per Sensor |
Bit 3=L Warmup |
Bit 7..4 error code per Sensor |
Register 12..19 |
4 * Temperatur als 32Bit Single |
Register 20..35 |
8 * Sensorvalue als 32Bit Single |
Register 36..37 |
humidity Value |
Register 38..39 |
humidity Temperatur |
Register 40..47 |
4 * mV as 32Bit Single |